Sencha Fukamushi Koma


Availability: In Stock
Sku: OJT0003-1-1

50gr Green tea Sencha produced with longer steaming process

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This green tea from our plantation in Shizuoka comes from the first harvest. It contains different parts of the plant, leaves and stems, and is put though a steaming process. This deep steaming makes all the difference and ensures that Sencha Fukamushi is superior to regular Sencha. Sencha Gold is steamed with heat to stop the oxidation of the leaves, and this for a longer period of time than regular Sencha (1-2 minutes), which gives it a deep, vegetal flavour and a deep green colour. It is rich in catechin, an antioxidant known for its anti-aging and anti-cancer properties.


1) Put 2 teaspoon (about 5g) tea in the teapot.

2) Verser l’eau bouillante (180 ml) dans une tasse pour qu’elle refroidisse plus rapidement et attendre 30 secondes jusqu’à ce que la température de l’eau baisse à 70-75 degrés.

3) Pour water into a teapot and infuse for 30 seconds.

4) Pour the tea little by little while alternating between cups so that the tea is equally distributed and its density is equal in each cup.

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